Frequently Asked Questions
Below are the answers to the most frequently asked questions. about working with an Intimacy Coordinator. If you have any additional questions about working with an Intimacy Coordinator, use the contact form to reach out to Rebecca directly.
Why should I hire an Intimacy Coordinator?
Intimacy Coordinators create safe environments for actors and production to film scenes involving simulates sex, nudity, and other intimate contact. Intimacy Coordinators ensure clear communication throughout the process, creating safety for actors and reducing the chances of unsafe working environments on set. Intimacy Coordinators are also well versed in all SAG-AFTRA protocols for nudity and simulated sex and work with all relevant departments to make sure Union rules are being followed.
When should I hire an Intimacy Coordinator?
Intimacy Coordinators are department heads and should be hired at the same time that other department heads are hired. The earlier in the process you bring the IC on board, the more assistance they can offer by identifying potential issues that might arise from the intimate scenes (i.e. if a prosthetic is required or if extra time/consideration might be required for an intimate scene). Waiting to hire an IC until just before a scene shoots could cost production time and creativity.
What is an Intimacy Coordinator’s process?
We start with the script. ICs read the script/s and breakdown any scene that might require their involvement. We then meet with the director (usually the 1st AD is on the call as well as the DP, UPM or Line Producer, and Costumes). We go through every scene we’ve identified in the script breakdown and get the director’s vision for each of the scenes. We then schedule private conversations with each actor involved in those scenes and discuss the director’s vision. The actors can then share what they are comfortable with and what they are not. We then relate that information back to production and to legal to work on riders. We then coordinate with all relevant departments to prepare for the shoot day. On set, we ensure all closed set protocols are in place, make sure actor communication is clear, and occasionally assist the director with choreographing the scene.
How do I know if an Intimacy Coordinator is qualified?
Since it is a relatively new position on set, Intimacy Coordinators come from a variety of backgrounds and not all have the same training and qualifications. SAG-AFTRA has created a guideline for producers and a Registry of Intimacy Coordinators who have had training and various levels of experience on set. Follow the links to access each resource.
Can I afford an Intimacy Coordinator?
Intimacy Coordinators are dedicated to supporting all budgets and will charge their fee based on the budget of the production. More experienced Intimacy Cooridnators usually do not accept work below the standard budget range, but newer certified ICs are available in most major markets to support smaller scale productions If you have a small budget, short film, student film, or other project without the support of a major studio, contact Rebecca through the contact form and she will connect you with other Intimacy Coordinators working to build their body of work.
Which departments does the Intimacy Coordinator work with?
Intimacy Coordinators work closely with the AD department, Costumes, Legal, and occasionally Make-Up and Covid Compliance. We can also work closely with Stunt Coordinators if a scene requires movement that could potentially harm performers.
Are Intimacy Coordinators part of a Union?
At the moment, no. However, we do work closely with SAG-AFTRA to ensure all protocols set by the Union are in place to ensure the safety of their members. Intimacy Coordinators who are currently members of SAG-AFTRA can work on a SAG Stunt Coordinator contract.
How do I train to become an intimacy coordinator?
Rebecca Johannsen trained through Intimacy Professionals Association, one of several training organizations accredited by SAG-AFTRA. For a full list of qualified IC training programs, click here.